Casa Rug Collection by Momeni Rugs is an assortment of transitional and contemporary patterns. These rugs are made with fine finishing on machines.These rugs are an excellent combination of a synthetic material with present-day designs but with rugged looks of traditional rugs. The lighter tones are weaved in patterns in such a way that the rugs look like depleted. The rugs look like overdyed rugs although they are neither handmade nor made of wool. These rugs can compliment a patio or a veranda with their warm, welcoming colors.


The rugs in Casa Collection are made by using the softest blend of polypropylene. This modern, synthetic material makes them more affordable yet functional. Polypropylene rugs are low maintenance; however, they are not as durable as rugs made of natural fibers like wool etc. They are stain resistant and are not easily damaged by sunlight or spoiled by water. They can be washed frequently and easily without any risk of abrasion. All these traits make them functional for outdoor use as well.

Weaving and Texture

The high pile of the rugs in the Casa Rug Collection imparts them a soft texture that is characteristic of wool rugs. All the rugs are machine made. Some of them have employed the drop stitch technique which imitates hand-woven carpets with imperfections. Some of the rugs are artistically designed to look like antique, worn out carpets but they still retain their soft feel. The high pile also imparts depth and richness to the rugs.


Most of the rugs in Casa Collection are in bold colors that perfectly compliment their modern-day designs. These rugs present an ideal statement piece for any space. The bright colors with anarchic patterns depict modernity and free spirit.


The modern, indefinite patterns on rugs in the Casa Rug Collection differentiate them from other rugs. Almost all the rugs are without any border, hence giving a sense of continuity. The uninterrupted designs stretch all along the length of the rugs. These borderless rugs can make a room look larger than it actually is.

  • The Multi rugs in Casa Rug Collection have a feel of abstract art. The color scheme is artistically blended not to overdo any particular tone.
  • The Navy rug is a beautiful piece in contrast with white along with tints of green and orange here and there. The subtle twists make the mystic design that can be a wonderful base for a room to experiment with uncolored furniture in it.
  • The Blue rugs imitate a pattern in hues of blue blended with white conveying worn outlook. The rugs look like antique rugs that have withstood centuries of wear and tear.
  • Another Blue and a Beige rug depict the shabby look with the wrecked pattern all over them. The scattered colors on beige background create the old school look with no less texture and suppleness.
  • One of the Multi rugs with a floral border has the particular Oriental touch. The floral design divided in geometric pattern strewn all over the rug with distressed light tones makes this rustic rug a beautiful replica of antique rugs.

Browse the Casa Rug Collection here!