Why should you use underpadding for your area rug

Rugman.com firmly believes in padding for underneath your rugs, you don’t want the carpet sliding about and you don’t want to trip on a sliding carpet!

We recommend rug pads for two main reasons:

  • Safety
  • Long-term care

Rugs can slip on surfaces of wood, tile or ceramic flooring, they can “creep” when placed on top of wall-to-wall carpeting. Rug pads help prevent this. Furthermore, sharp objects like heels or furniture can damage or cut the rug’s foundation, and normal traffic can flatten areas of the pile, which the cushioning of a rug pad greatly reduces the chances of this happening.

Rug Pads/Under Padding increase the life of your rugs & carpets by decreasing the wear on your rugs. You want your rug pad trimmed about an inch from the edge of your carpet, and you want a high-quality pad. Every good rug deserves a good pad.

Bottom Line: Under Padding for your rug decreases the chance of harm coming to you or your loved ones, while protecting your investment and holding your interior design in place. You absolutely need under-padding for your rug.