The definition of oriental rugs

Oriental rug by definition is a reference to rugs that are hand woven in “Orient” or east. They can be weaved with or without pile. Oriental rugs are created in Asian countries Such as Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, and Turkey. Orient is a term used in contrast to Occident which is referred to the West. The phrase Oriental rug has been used since hundreds of years ago for hand-knotted rugs. The term was originally used for hand-knotted Persian rugs. Later this phrase was extended to all rugs that were hand weaved in the Asian continent. This region has a tradition of rug weaving that initially was born in Persia and gradually moved to neighboring countries.

The difference between Oriental and Persian rugs

Often Persian rug and the Oriental rug is used interchangeably. It is important to make this clarification that, although every Persian rug is oriental, not every Oriental rug is Persian. Because it could be weaved in other countries such Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Turkey.

Weave and KPSI

Oriental rugs in terms of the general categorization of the weave can be divided into the flat weave and pile weaves. Pile weave Oriental rugs are known for their soft feeling and warmth. the pile weave rug itself has many varieties and diverse qualities. There is a measuring system for the quality of the weave of the rug which is based on the tightness of the knots in a rug as well of the size of the knots. These two factors together define the density of the knots in a rug which is called KPSI. KPSI is an abbreviation for the knots per square inch. Basically, that means how fine the yarn is and how close the knots are together. Obviously, the smaller and tighter knots there in rug mean more knots per square inch. Normally denser knots in a rug directly translates into the finer quality. however number of the knots are not the only factor in the quality of the rugs and there are many other factors that influence the quality of the rugs, such as the workmanship and quality of the material involved in weaving a fine rug.

Not mean that all the oriental rugs are pile weave and knot all of them are knotted rugs. Some oriental rugs are, Indeed, flat weave. The flat weave rugs are much thinner than the pile rugs and depending on the region and the type of weave they could have different names. Most popular flat weave rugs are called Kelim which is made on a loom with a base similar to the pile woven rugs. There are some other kinds of flat woven rugs that are called Jajim which is made on the loom and it is not a knotted rugs. Among the flat woven oriental rugs, there is also, flat woven Aubusson rugs that can be flooring or wall hanging rugs.

Oriental Design Versus Oriental Weave

One of the issues that can easily confuse the rug customers is the confusion between the design and the weave of the rugs.  Some vendors might knowingly want to confuse the customers and sell a lower quality rugs making them believe that they are buying a fine quality rug. This is often done by using the type of design as the name for the rug that normally the consumer considers original. For example, they might advertise Tabriz mahi rug not telling the purchaser that the rugs is made India has a much lower quality than the original Tabriz Persian rug. The only thing that and Indian so caller Tabriz shares with the original Tabriz Persian is design patterns of the rug. To expert eyes, even job of copying is not done properly. Only a general look of rugs is similar to that of the original Tabriz and the KPSI is less than half of the original one. It is important to have in mind that even in the comparison between the two original rugs if the KPSI is half of the other rug, the price falls drastically. So don’t be fooled with the design name and always ask for the origin of the rug.


Oriental rugs are weaved in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Turkey and China. Kazakhstan,  as well as some other countries in the vicinity of the region.

Exception to the rule

Not all the rugs that are hand knotted and weaved in Orient are considered to be oriental rugs. To call a rug oriental it must be of the traditional design and hand noted in oriental countries. Therefore Modern design rugs even if they are made in Tabriz Iran are not considered to be oriental rugs. A good example of a Persian rugs hand knotted rugs that do not fall into the category of Oriental rugs is the famous Gabbeh with modern motive. Another example is fine modern Nepal Rugs that are not considered oriental rugs.

Sizes and Shapes and colors

Oriental area rugs come in all sizes and shapes. A hand knotted oriental rug can be as small as one square foot and as largest known hand knotted rug is a Persian rug that is 5634 square meter which is about 60643.87 square feet.   This rugs was made for a mosque in Abu Dhabi in Dubai. As for the shape of the oriental rugs, the most common shapes are rectangular, square, round, oval, octagon and hexagon shapes. However, hand knotted oriental rugs could be theoretically made in any shape and form. Normally a wide range of variety of colors is used in oriental rugs. The vibrant and divers range of colors is part of the identity of oriental rugs. Throughout the time, the certain combination of colors become more fashionable and this can change in by time. Therefore one of the ways to identify the age of rugs for the experts is the use of certain variations of colors in antique rugs.


The main materials that are used to weave oriental rugs are wool, silk and cotton. Most of the weavers are taught to weave Oriental rugs through their family members, therefore the type of knots or number of wefts are strongly influenced by cultural heritage and region of oriental rugs. When purchasing an oriental rug, few factors could help you decide better these factors include: colors and their combinations and the quality of the wool. Natural colors and hand spun wools are better quality compared to other combinations. Normally, the base of the rugs is cotton and the pile or the outer side of rugs is made of wool. In case of the silk rugs, the pile is either pure silk or a mix of silk and cork which is a finer quality of virgin wool. In rare cases, in high quality rugs, both the base and pile could be pure natural silk. A good example of pure silk rugs is the state of the art Qum silk rugs.